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Invelos Forums->Posts by nanoron Page: 1 2 3 4 5  Previous   Next
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Just got this from My Movies:

It should now be finalized for DVD Profiler to the extend I believe it should - you can upload as zip also.

We would love some feedback from as many users as possible.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 15825
Here's a link on how to download a free unactivated copy of Windows 10 from MS for use with Bootcamp:
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 15825
Yes. No license. MS let's you download a limited version of Windows 10 for free. While not fully functional, it is just fine for running DVD Profiler on an Intel Mac. Therefore I would need to buy 11.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 15825
I didn't even try since you can download Windows 10 from MS for free but you have to pay for Windows 11. Since I only run DVD Profiler using Bootcamp on my Mac, it didn't seem cost effective.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 15825
I just got this comment from My Movies relating to Mediadogg's comments:

We specifically have physical media profiles, which as DVD Profiler means disc release specific data - we have generic movie profiles as well, as what IMDB have, but our coverage on physical media is actually significantly better than what DVD Profiler has.

The point is, when you import from DVD Profiler, we create an exact match of the title you have in DVD Profiler based on the barcode, to the same title in our service - there can be a few titles that are registered with incorrect barcodes in your DVD Profiler database, and even in rare cases one or more titles we do not have in our service.

Titles that cannot be matches are few, and currently not imported - we are looking to extend the importer to create personal profiles for titles that cannot be matched, but we naturally cannot import covers and detailed data based on the XML only from DVD Profiler.

But it is very wrong to assume that you will only be collecting generic movie profiles.

You will often see that the data quality we have is actually an improvement over what you are coming from in DVD Profiler.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 15825
The really sad part about this is that iOS users who don't have access to a PC or an Intel Mac are totally screwed since they have no way to export their database. I was hoping that Invelos would offer this as paid service from their website, but that does not seem to be the case.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 15825
While I am impressed that the iOS app is still running reasonably well in iOS 17.5.1, even if Invelos resolves the self inflicted iOS online upload issue, it is highly unlikely that this will continue to be the case in iOS 18 and beyond.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 15825
Mediadogg: I'm not considering moving to another app because I don't like DVD Profiler. I do. I really do. I am instead looking for a viable iOS alternative, since Invelos seems to have abandoned iOS with the recent server update. While I can still use my iOS devices since I am running Windows 10 on my Intel Mac, Microsoft is abandoning Windows 10 next year. I am not a Boy Scout, but I believe in being prepared.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 15825
I just got this response from iCollect Movies:

Yes, please send your exported collection from them over to us and we can import for you.

Sounds promising.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 15825
Just got this from My Movies tech support:

This is still working in progress, as especially UI wise there are several things to improve - also the ability to upload the collection in zip is missing. But do give it a try:


I haven't tried it yet.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 15825
iCollect Movies is another potential replacement. They claim you can send them a database from "nearly anywhere" and they will import it for you. However they don't specifically mention DVD Profiler. I've e-mailed their support folks for clarification. I'll let you know what they tell me.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 15825
And a followup response:
We will up-prioritize the re-writing of the import feature for DVD Profiler - we are naturally very interested in getting as many DVD Profiler users to switch as possible.

We believe that our service offers by far the best option for those looking to switch with our data quality and coverage, and we know that many of the DVD Profiler users are of great value to our community.

I'm encouraged by their prompt responses. Let's hope they do a good job. I'll keep you posted.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 15825
I then asked them this question:
Please explain more fully what you are suggesting I do. What would be the result of leaving the import at that point? A partial import stopping at the first problem item? A nearly complete import with only the problem items missing? The former is useless. The latter might be useable if there were not too items affected and they were somehow identified for later manual addition.

And got this response:
It means that when it shows a stopped progressbar, it is actually continuing in the background - so let it run and wait for an email.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 15825
I got this response from MyMovies when I mentioned your and other's comments about the import hanging:

"There are indeed some files that the importer hangs on - we are working on writing a new importer.

But please do try the existing - note that you just leave it when the progress bar does not move."

Let's hope they fix it.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 15825
Just took the plunge and, while skipping 17.5, I updated my iPhone and iPad to iOS17.5.1. Everything seems to be working as before, though I have noticed syncing to my PC database seems a bit slower. This may be a temporary local network issue. I will update on this in a few days.
Topic Replies: 22, Topic Views: 13339
I bought a copy of MovieBuddy for my iPad for $5 to play around with. It only imports CSV files, however after a lot of tinkering I was able to import a test section of my library. Unfortunately, MovieBuddy uses IMDb ID and TMDb ID instead of UPC to retrieve film data. So while the import included the movie name and my personal data, it did not retrieve anything else. So in order for it to be useful, one has to include a film's IMDb ID and/or TMDb ID in the CSV import file. Right now, I don't know how to do that. Since I am not too keen on subscription services, I am considering subscribing temporarily to one of the apps you mentioned, importing my DVD Profiler data into it and then exporting a CSV file from it, which I then import into MovieBuddy, in the hope it will add IMDb ID and/or TMDb ID data. Whether this will work is anybody's guess.
Topic Replies: 92, Topic Views: 15825
I just tried to import my collection into MovieBuddy. While the xml to csv conversion is painfully achievable, MovieBuddy uses IMDb instead of UPC to identify entries. Since, as far as I can tell, DVD Profiler doesn't record IMDb, this is a non-starter.
Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 13973
Collectorz also claims to be able to import DVD Profiler export files, but you need to subscribe to their Movie Collector web service or windows app as well as their iOS app.
Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 13973
There are two iOS apps that claim to be able to import data from DVD Profiler, namely, My Movies 5 and iCollect Movies:DVD Tracker. In both cases, however, you will need the PC version of DVD Profiler to export your data. It would be nice if the web site offered a data export option, but I doubt that is ever going to happen. There are other iOS movie apps that import data, e.g., MovieBuddy+, but none of them will import the DVD Profiler export file format.
Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 13973
Don't expect any iOS updates but since this recent upload issue is a new server problem, there is a chance it will be corrected.
Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 13973
Then you are out of luck until they fix this. Of course, that might never occur. If you have a small collection, you might want to consider using a different app. If you have a large collection you should consider purchasing the PC app. It will extend the life of your iPad app and, more importantly, it will allow you to move your collection to a different iOS app. If you have an Intel Mac, you can use Bootcamp to run Windows 10 for free.
Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 13973
This seems to be a problem that iOS users are having with the new server. Let's hope they fix it. If not, sadly, you'll have to find another iOS app.
Topic Replies: 4, Topic Views: 30318
Since this an issue caused by the recent server upgrade, there is a chance that it will be corrected.
Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 13973
POPPYBERLIN  If you don't have the PC version, you can still upload/download new titles on your iOS devices as long as you don't add any personal info. This is a stopgap measure, in the hope that they will fix this problem. If they don't, your only good choices are to get the PC version or switch to a different iOS app. If you have an Intel Mac, you can use Apple's Bootcamp to load Windows 10 free from Microsoft. Works great!
Topic Replies: 22, Topic Views: 13339
I'm pretty sure the problem is with the new server and not with iOS. I have an iPhone running iOS 12 and it has the same update problem. Check out the other recent posts I put some more details there.
Topic Replies: 22, Topic Views: 13339
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